Staff Memo 30-05-2022


The following workloads have caused us to review our management structure:

  • ongoing COVID management situations
  • relentless NDIS reporting requirements
  • our move to implement new quality enhancement tools
  • the need to join and work with community networks to gain lifestyle activities and events for our clients

Our long-standing Operations Manager, Teresa Inkson has decided to step back from her position and reduce her workload.

Senior Service Coordinator, Alarna Moles will move up to the Operations Manager’s position.  Alarna’s interest in community networks has given us the chance to add some responsibilities in this area to her brief.

Stephanie Armstrong, through her relief Service Coordinator’s role will move into the vacant Service Coordinator’s position.

Operations Assistant, Priscilla Haig will now coordinate all NDIS and NWSS incidents as our Quality Coordinator.

These changes will occur over the next two weeks.

Teresa will remain available for some administration tasks.

Neal Rodwell — General Manager — North West Support Services — 0418 140 000