This section contains links to the following as PDF files.
Please print this document; General Service Induction and complete as required.
- Position Description-Disability Support Worker-L2
- NDIS Code of Conduct
- Preventing and Responding to Abuse
- NWSS Employee Code Of Conduct
- Employee Confidentiality Declaration
- The Use of Videos and Photographs
- Employment Contract
- Employee Payroll Authority
- Disability Worker Screening
- NDIS Worker Orientation Module ‘Quality, Safety and You.’
- Supporting People To Stay Infection Free : Obtain the Certificate
- Restrictive Interventions
- Manual Handling, Food Safety, Infection Control and Hazards and Risks (Videos)
- Personal Protective Equipment
- COVID Vaccinations
- Driver’s Licence and Vehicle Registration Number
- Choosing a Super Fund
- CareSuper
- Tax File Declaration
- Specific Contract Induction
- Guidelines for Employees-Volunteers-Students