Below is a complete list of the NDIS policies NWSS use.
- Abuse: Neglect and Exploitation
- Accommodation commitments for supported independent living clients (SIL)
- Administration of medication
- Advocacy
- Bowel management
- Bullying harassment and discrimination
- Business insurance
- Child safety
- Client rights
- Complaint management
- Complex wound management
- Communication Style Guide
- Conflict of interest
- Conflicts of Responsibility
- Continuity of supports
- Continuous improvement
- Decision making and consent
- Disaster-Emergency Management Plan
- Diversity and inclusion
- Drivers Licence
- Drugs and alcohol
- Duty of care and dignity of risk
- Emergency procedures
- Employee code of conduct
- Employee personal phone use and rest breaks
- Enteral tube feeding
- Entry and exit
- Equal employment opportunity
- Failure to attend training appointments
- Fire safety
- Guide to safe use of social media
- How to stay out of trouble in the workplace
- How To Work in a Team
- Human resources
- Human rights
- In Hospital Support
- Incident management
- Infection control
- Information security
- Leaving a Client Alone in a Vehicle
- Maintenance- records and audit
- Management Team meeting agenda
- Managing a client’s finances
- Managing staff depletion through illness
- NDIS Code of Conduct
- Pandemic management plan
- Person-centred practice
- Personal belongings in the workplace
- Personal Hygiene and Appropriate Clothing
- Preventing and responding to abuse
- Pricing
- Privacy and confidentiality
- Recruitment
- Referrals
- Restrictive practices
- Risk management
- Risk Assessed Roles and Worker Screening
- Rosters and relief pool
- Safe Swallowing and Mealtime Management
- Service agreement management
- Sexual Harassment
- Smoking and Vaping
- Social visiting for clients
- Staff Meals in Shared Homes
- Staff records
- Staff Orientation-Induction
- Subcutaneous injections
- Support provision
- Supporting Return To Work Plans
- Supporting Shared Home Teams
- The making of a real homes
- The Use of Videos and Photos
- Timesheet Responsibilities
- Tracheostomy management
- Training and development
- Urinary catheter management
- Ventilator management
- Waste management
- WH-S booklet
- Worker screening
- Working with client support networks
- Workplace Behaviour
Neal Rodwell
General Manager – North West Support Services – 0418 140 000