NWSS has been considering where it stands on mandatory vaccinations and has determined that they are compulsory for NWSS employees.
The reason for this decision relates to a public health Direction covering the Department of Health, health and medical services and organisations and people who deal with them.
NWSS is constantly interacting with the Department of Health and its health and medical services on behalf of the people it supports, including taking clients to a variety of Department of Health facilities.
NWSS has also considered the many locations and venues that its support workers must accompany clients to in accordance with their NDIS plans and Service Provision Agreements. These venues are increasingly requiring proof of vaccination as a condition of entry and use.
In short, it would appear impossible for NWSS to continue to provide the services required by our clients without mandatory vaccination for our workforce.
As per the Health Department timeline, our employees need to provide proof of either single or double vaccination by October 31 2021 or provide proof of bookings for vaccinations.
NWSS will be guided by the Health Department’s Direction in relation to all COVID vaccination issues.
There will be no general exemptions because of the constant close and intimate personal interactions at all levels of NWSS.
However, under the Direction an employee can provide NWSS with a medical contraindication if they are unable to be vaccinated for medical reasons.
We recommend that all employees who are hesitant about vaccination utilise the following resources which provide helpful information:
We understand that some people have concerns about vaccination. Please contact any one of the following management team members if you wish to discuss your situation or options.
Neal Rodwell – General Manager – 0418 140 000
Lee-Anne Aulich – Service Manager – 0437 071 729
Teresa Inkson — Operations Manager – 0428 351 967